What is Fixed Teeth & Caping?

“Fixed teeth” typically refers to dental restorations that are permanently attached or “fixed” in the mouth, as opposed to removable prosthetics like dentures. These restorations are used to replace missing teeth or restore damaged teeth, providing functional and aesthetic benefits.
One common type of fixed teeth restoration is a dental bridge. A bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth (pontics) anchored to neighboring natural teeth or dental implants. The pontics fill in the gap left by missing teeth, restoring the ability to chew and speak properly while also maintaining the alignment of surrounding teeth.
Another type of fixed teeth restoration is a dental crown. A crown is a custom-made cap that covers a damaged or weakened tooth, strengthening it and restoring its shape, size, and appearance. Crowns are often used to protect a tooth following a root canal treatment, to restore a tooth with a large cavity, or to cover a tooth with significant cosmetic imperfections.
“Capping” is a colloquial term for placing a dental crown on a tooth. It refers to the process of covering the entire visible portion of a tooth with a crown to improve its strength, function, and appearance. Crowning a tooth can help preserve its structural integrity and prevent further damage or decay.
fixed teeth restorations such as bridges and crowns are permanent solutions used to replace missing teeth or restore damaged teeth, providing both functional and cosmetic benefits for patients.