What is Filling Treatment?

Filling teeth, also known as dental fillings or restorations, is a common dental procedure used to repair teeth that have been damaged by decay, trauma, or wear. The purpose of filling teeth is to restore the tooth’s structure, function, and aesthetics while preventing further decay or damage.
The filling process typically begins with the dentist numbing the affected tooth and surrounding area with local anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the procedure. Once the area is numb, the dentist will remove the decayed or damaged portion of the tooth using a dental drill or other instruments.
After the decayed area has been removed, the dentist will clean the tooth to remove any debris or bacteria. Depending on the size and location of the cavity, the dentist may also etch the tooth’s surface with an acid solution to create a rough surface for better adhesion of the filling material.

So, How Long Will a Dental Filling Last?

The majority of dental fillings will last roughly a decade or more, but the general life span of a filling can vary depending on what the filling is made out of. Before a filling is placed, the dentist will use a small drill to remove any decay or deteriorated material. The dentist may use various types of material to fill the tooth depending on several factors, including:
Every type of filling material can have a different length of time it will last due to variances in how rapidly the material can break down.

Benefits of Composite Fillings

Composite dental fillings have a number of benefits over amalgam dental fillings.